Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This past weekend the Bloomfest art's collective event at HWS raised approx. $500 for One Bead!! We were absolutely blown away when the art's collective team told us they wanted give %100  of their profits to our cause. We cannot thank them enough!

As if that isn't enough, One Bead went to the Bloomfest event friday night and raised $289 selling bracelets. Buyers were asked to place their donation into a jar of their choice depending on what they wanted to see happen at our little school in are the results:

Books: $46

Art Supplies: $49

Fencing Materials: $27

Music: $40

Sports: $43

Library: $41

Pens and Pencils: $33

Other: $10

Our set-up! (low quality cell phone picture)
Keep an eye out for more updates on how close we are to reaching our $6,000 goal! (so close)

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